
Oct 19 2024


12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wanderin WI and Nokomis ATV CLub North Route Ride

Nokomis ATV club will be leading a ATV/UTV ride leaving LaCanne’s resort at noon and concluding at LaCannes at 4pm.  Join us for some fun as we stop at JD’s Reel em Inn and Bucksnort along with Willow Wood. We return to LaCanne’s on Swamp Lake for a basket raffle from 4-5pm

Little Rice Willow region ATV/UTV Ride North Run
Come join us on a MINI SXS ride on the weekend of the Wanderin Fall Ride Rally. Saturday October 19th, 2024.
This was ride is designed to showcase our Little Rice ATV Trails in the Willow region, help raise money for the Clubs and to help you get to several designated Poker Run stops.
🎃Nokomis Fire Dept will be having a pancake breakfast Friday and Saturday morning 7-11. This is a fundraiser. Stop in for breakfast before the ride. This is next to Bubba’s Campground
🎃We have 5 stops- Gordos Garage Bar, LaCanne’s Resort on Swamp Lake, Bucksnort Resort, J&D’s Reel ‘em In, and Willow Wood Lodge
🎃Meet at 10:30 Gordos Garage bar Hwy 8, don’t forget to get your card stamps 🙂
The ride will be Guided by John (Nokomis ATV Club Member) and will leave at 11 sharp!
🎃After Willow Wood head back to LaCanne’s at 4 for the Raffle drawing. At 5pm head to Bubba’s Campground for the After Party. County Hwy L, Tomahawk. They do have Food Trucks available Bands start at 5 pm until?? Bands will be announced over the next several weeks. Door Prizes and 50/50s
See ya there.
Sponsored by Nokomis ATV Club